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Lighting & Composite 

I love to drink! 

Pirates, ninjas, and giant robots are all cool!


I don’t watch sports, but I love to play them!

I also like "The Legend of Zelda".


Interview with Nick

Can you tell us what kind of work you do?

I am currently involved in a project as Look Development supervisor.

I use Maya to establish the look of the project, but I'm also in charge of Lighting & Composite, and I often use Nuke, too.

Sometimes I also use Photoshop, Substance Painter and Houdini.

— As a supervisor, do you also instruct and check the work of your team members?

Yes, I do.

For example, I receive feedback from the CGSV and the director and give instructions to the artists, and conversely, I check the daily work submissions from the artists to ensure that they are in line with the designs and target look of the title.

On top of that, I also check the specifications of the data to ensure that it conforms with the pipeline.

What had you been doing before joining Polygon Pictures?

As a freelancer, I worked on TV and commercial-related VFX since 2014.

At that time, I didn't only work on Look Dev, but also as a generalist and was involved in every step of the process.

I did modeling, matte painting, animation and cloth simulation.

The first thing that was different when I joined Polygon Pictures was the style.

Before, I was doing VFX for TV and film, so I was doing photorealistic projects, but at Polygon Pictures we do 2D or 3D animation-style projects.

Of course, this was a challenge for me, but a very exciting one.

I like new challenges, and learning and adopting new artistic styles, so I think it's a great opportunity to work with experienced colleagues at Polygon Pictures.

-- There seems to be a difference between working as an individual and as a team.

Of course there are differences between the two. When I was working alone, I had a certain amount of control over my workflow, how I managed files and in a way I had control over the look and the schedule.

But working in a team, I have to adapt what I'm doing to the existing pipeline.

I have to adapt to the style and flow of each project and team.

Is there anything you are into at the moment?

One of the highlights of my career is that I enjoy being involved in 3D animation, both in my personal and professional life.


Being able to use 3D software to create 3D art is where my passion lies, both in my personal and professional life.

What do you like about Polygon Pictures?

I think it's great that we have an in-house translation and interpretation team, and I think it's one of the company's strengths within the industry.

Regardless of how good your Japanese is, when you work in Japan as a foreigner, having a team that supports and backs you up in terms of language is very reassuring for people who have left their comfort zone (home country) to pursue their work.

Of course there are great people besides the translation and interpretation team, but I think having this team gives us a business advantage.

It means that we can get projects that originate overseas or are aimed at overseas clients that other companies can't get.

This means that I can work on projects that my family in Canada can enjoy, so that is also a great point.

Message to those interested in working in Polygon Pictures.

I think Polygon Pictures is the right company for you if you want to take the first steps in the animation industry, and be involved in interesting projects.

Needless to say, it doesn't mean that once you join the company, you're good to go, obviously you will still need to work hard from that point onwards!


Nick’s History


Started working as a freelance CG/VFX artist

Responsible for look development, lighting & compositing on Netflix's Mech Cadets

Look Development co-SV on an animated series (title not yet released) for a major video distribution service 

Look Development SV for an animated film (title not yet released).

One photo from the library

Kawagoe Festival - Lion dance performed on floats.


Whether it's business or art, success is possible with the right plan.

But once in a while, you might be lucky enough to get your head bitten by a lion dancer.

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